Saturday, 5 October 2013

Battle - Takuya Lyrics

Battle - Takuya Lyrics

I'm embarrassed to be here, what have I done?
Unable to do this, anymore.
Unable to function, she says
I don't deserve this.

I don't need it, thought it's nice to have.
I don't need it, Takuya.

I'm running solo, don't let me down.
Have you ever felt useless, everyday?
I'm just a drop in, the widest of seas
And oceans they drown me, in my sleep.

I don't need it, thought it's nice to have,
I don't need it, Takuya.
All the rats are faster than me,
So I don't need it, Takuya.

Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya,
Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya,
Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya.

I don't belong here, but look here I am.
I don't belong here Takuya, but look here I am.
I'm just a drop in, the widest of seas,
And oceans they drown me, in my sleep.

I don't need it, thought it's nice to have,
I don't need it, Takuya.
All the rats are faster than me,
So I don't need it, Takuya.

Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya,
Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya,
Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya,
Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya,
Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya, Takuya

Baken Beans - The Edge Of The World Lyrics

Here is a song just for you
that tells you what I would do
if I had a chance to get so fucking close to you
'cause all my tries were in vain
and I missed my only aim
as I had no chance to get so close to you
and now I'm standing in the cold
don't know what's coming up to me
I see a light which shines so bright
I feel my friends who are gone forever
this is the day when I'mfalling off
the edge of the world

my life is drifting away
no further walk through my day
when I stick my mouth to the top of a loaded gun
my trembling fingers await
to blow away my lovely thoughts
well the love of my life is now gone

and now I'm standing in the cold
don't know what's coming upt to me
I see a light which shines so bright
I feel my friends who are gone forever
this is the day when I'm falling off
the edge of the world

Friday, 23 August 2013

Kees Pruis - Zwitserland Lyrics

Kees Pruis - Zwitserland Lyrics

Zwitserland by Kees Pruis
Gerrit, de postbode uit de Jan Steen
Sprak tot z'n vrouw: luister eens Leen
Daarginds in het buitenland is het niet pluis
Blijf deze vakantie maar thuis
Dat Zwitserse reissie, dat komt wel 's meissie
Je zit er toch maar op zo'n rots
Als ik een en ander in 't tuintje verander
Dan zingen we strakkies vol trots

Ik ga van 't jaar niet naar Zwitserland
Holiejee, holiejee
'k Heb in m'n tuintje een berg geplant
Met edelweiss voor m'n prive
Mij niet gezien op een Alpenkruis
Holiejee, holiejee
'k Zit op m'n gletsjer van sintelpuin
En ik jodel van hoeladijee

Drie dagen later, toen werd door de buurt
Gerrit z'n tuin spottend begluurd
Hij zat in een kniebroekje op een berg zand
Een Zwitserse kaas in z'n hand
En moe had haar rokken verkeerd aangetrokken
En lag op haar rug in het dal
Naar boven te wuiven en berglucht te snuiven
En fors klonk hun stemmengeschal

Ik ga van 't jaar niet naar Zwitserland
Holiejee, holiejee
'k Heb in m'n tuintje een berg geplant
Met edelweiss voor m'n prive
Mij niet gezien op een Alpenkruis
Holiejee, holiejee
'k Zit op m'n gletsjer van sintelpuin
En ik jodel van hoeladijee

Moe lag poetisch te jood'len in fis
Tot iemand riep: Deis je nou, Ies
Of anders dan neem ik de stofzuiger, zeg
En ik zuig jullie heuveltje weg
't Conflict was geschapen, pa noodde vier knapen
Ten strijde, die kwamen ook snel
De berg stond te trillen, mama lag te gillen
En Pietje riep: Hup, Willem Tell

Ik ga van 't jaar niet naar Zwitserland
Holiejee, holiejee
'k Heb in m'n tuintje een berg geplant
Met edelweiss voor m'n prive
Mij niet gezien op een Alpenkruis
Holiejee, holiejee
'k Zit op m'n gletsjer van sintelpuin
En ik jodel van hoeladijee

Pa gaf een draai op het hoofd van een heer
Scoorde een oor en riep: Noteer
Mama greep haar bergstok, een knoestige lat
En ging ook bedeesd in debat
Toen vluchtten de buren vol lichte kwetsuren
Maar het berglandschap was kort en klein
Ma bette pa's wonden, pa zong licht geschonden
Als Elias in de woestijn

Ik ga van 't jaar niet naar Zwitserland
Holiejee, holiejee
'k Heb in m'n tuintje een berg geplant
Met edelweiss voor m'n prive
Mij niet gezien op een Alpenkruis
Holiejee, holiejee
'k Zit op m'n gletsjer van sintelpuin
En ik jodel van hoeladijee

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Calamites (Les) - C'est Embêtant Lyrics

Calamites (Les) - C'est Embêtant Lyrics

L'autre soir cette pipelette était de la fête
Un verre à la main au bec une cigarette
Il papillonnait de conversation en conversation
Colportant les dernières nouvelles à sa façon

On le dit médisant c'est un malentendu
Non ce n'est pas voulu il n'est pas malotru
Quand il vous parle il est sincère
Mais comme il comprend tout de travers
Il fait d'une puce un éléphant
C'est embêtant

L'autre soir il m'a invitée à danser un paso doble
Me parlant de ma voisine il m'a dit des choses ignobles
J'étais tellement scandalisée que j'ai bien failli le gifler
Mais je me suis rappelé qu'il ne le faisait pas exprès

On le dit médisant c'est un malentendu
Non ce n'est pas voulu il n'est pas malotru
Quand il vous parle il est sincère
Mais comme il comprend tout de travers
Il fait d'une puce un éléphant
C'est embêtant

On le dit médisant c'est un malentendu
Non ce n'est pas voulu il n'est pas malotru
Quand il vous parle il est sincère
Mais comme il comprend tout de travers
Il fait d'une puce un éléphant
C'est embêtant

Avec lui les choses les plus banales tournent bientôt au scandale
Se répandent comme une traînée de poudre et font le tour des bals
Chaque fois que ça tourne mal il se fait casser la figure
Pour lui les raisons resteront à jamais obscures

On le dit médisant c'est un malentendu
Non ce n'est pas voulu il n'est pas malotru
Quand il vous parle il est sincère
Mais comme il comprend tout de travers
Il fait d'une puce un éléphant
C'est embêtant
C'est embêtant
C'est embêtant
C'est embêtant
Calamités (Les) Lyrics

Monday, 5 August 2013

Lamb Lies Down On Broadway ,The Movie - Fly On A Windshield Lyrics

Lamb Lies Down On Broadway ,The Movie - Fly On A Windshield Lyrics

Theres something solid forming in the air,
The wall of death is lowered in Times Square.
No one seems to care,
They carry on as if nothing was there.
The wind is blowing harder now,
Blowing dust into my eyes.
The dust settles on my skin,
Making a crust I cannot move in
And Im hovering like a fly,
Waiting for the windshield on the freeway.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Lamb Lies Down On Broadway ,The Movie - Fly On A Windshield Lyrics

Lamb Lies Down On Broadway ,The Movie - Fly On A Windshield Lyrics

Theres something solid forming in the air,
The wall of death is lowered in Times Square.
No one seems to care,
They carry on as if nothing was there.
The wind is blowing harder now,
Blowing dust into my eyes.
The dust settles on my skin,
Making a crust I cannot move in
And Im hovering like a fly,
Waiting for the windshield on the freeway.

EDL - Residence Lyrics

EDL - Residence Lyrics

The place where you were born is now the place that you
And what you call a home others call a living hell
Just because of where you live they say you're an
Object middle class down town mansion or in a project
No matter what the cities' done has it really run
The town where my grandma grew up is where she'll
We all have to put the roots down somewhere
The people that move around from year to year just
Don't care
Your kids need to know that the house is a home sweet
Home to break it down the thought is detrimental to the
Dome in the brain stem where the thoughts cause the
But home is where you hang your hat - a.k.a. your

Residence- the place in which you dwell from a living
Hell is a residence!

The place where you grew up is just around the corner
From the park
Just too bad now that they can't go out after dark
Because the kids are shooting up the town every single
Day a gallery of moving targets when you send your kids
To play and that is sad to me in fact I give it mass
The place where you grew up as a kid is not the same
The parents job is to give the kids the precedence
Leave this town you need a new residence

Residence-the place in which you dwell from a living
Hell a residence.

Roots are your home don't deny
New ideas are worth a try
In regards what's wrong or right
Man can do this flee or fight pride is OK
But understand no true person is superman your domain
Is future tense
Your environment your residence

Residence-the place in which you dwell from a living
Hell a residence

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Alex Vissering - In T Abnederlands Lyrics

Alex Vissering - In T Abnederlands Lyrics

in t abnederlands by Alex Vissering
Zai vroegen mij laatst van hogerhand om Nederlands te zingen
Dat valt niet mee voor n Groninger wij zeggen vaak andere dingen
Vooral de T van telefoon dat vinden wij heel erg stoer
Ze zeggen ook aal in Hilversum wat is dat n stomme boer

De maatschappij waar ik bij ben die vinden mijn stem te gek
Ze willen mij graag lanceren met n lied van Freddy Breck
Ik zei dat zie ik best wel zitten, laten we dat maar doen
Ze hebben t ook aal over n leren broek en n clip van een miljoen

Ik zing dit lied in t AB Nederlands voor u allemaal
In t Gronings nee dat doe k niet meer dat is n stomme taal
Ik maak carrière in het westen en ik ga naar elke quiz
Drie kussen een valse lach als er een feessie is

Mijn naam die is niet goed genoeg voor t Nederlands produkt
Daarom verzinnen ze n ander maar dat is nog niet gelukt
k Had zelf al n leuke naam bedacht, ik had n goed idee
Zoiets wat bij de vrouwtjes bekt als Marco of Renee

Toen stond ik daar ineens met n camera voor mijn neus
Mien God wat was ik bange ik was ja zo nerveus
Mijn lippen bewogen onder mijn snor ik zweette op mijn rug
t Is nooit op televisie komen en ik ben hier weer terug

Nu woon ik op het platteland al in n boerderij
Met beide benen op de grond het drama is veurbij
Toch belde gister n producent hij wou eem met mij praten
Ik ze meneer bekijk het maar smoor maar in joen platen

Ik zing dit laid in t Grunnegers veur joe allemoal
Ze kinnen veur mie de pot op mit de Nederlandse toal
Ik zing dit laid in Troapel in Delfziel en Hoogezaand
Veendam en Olle Pekel en in de Golden Raand

Baba Novac - Jazzmaica Lyrics

Baba Novac - Jazzmaica Lyrics

Acum vreo 2 sezoane estivale,
Tocmai cind ma pregateam sa plec la mare,
In ziare, am citit grabit
Despre prima echipa de bob pe ghiata din Jamaica
Si-n ris am izbucnit,
Apoi am stat si m-am gindit ca e fantastic sa-ti doresti
Sa ai ceva ce nu exista decit in povesti
Si-n Jamaica unde reggae-ul e rege
Orice fantezie ai devine lege
Si daca poate exista aici bob pe gheata
Inseamna ca orice dorinta poate prinde viata
Asa ca repeta dupa mine:

Follow me, follow me, foollow me man,
Say 'I wanna be a Jamaican'.

Si-am ajuns si eu la mare sa-mi bronzez parul de pe picioare
Si-atunci m-am intins si-am atipit si-am adormit si m-am trezit,
Parca tot visam, parca ma plimbam pe plaja de obsidian.
Soarele ardea si-mi placea, dar sigur era vis caci plaja prea curata era
Si nici un muc de tigara nu mi se-nfigea intre degetele de la picioare
Si cum stateam si-asteptam ziua de ieri
Dintre doi palmieri cocotieri a iesit un barbat bronzat, tatuat,
Cu fata de café-au-lait si parul lung imbirli-birligat
Parca era Bob Marley, numai ca el calarea un Harley
Si privindu-ma cu ochii plini de fumuri
S-a apropiat de mine si mï-a spus:

" No woman, no cry ".

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Cam Meekins - Better Days Lyrics

Cam Meekins - Better Days Lyrics

I just want you to know
That I'm stuck in your soul
Funny how last week I thought it couldn't be so
What I see in your eyes
Words can't come close
No matter what your father says
I just want you to know
That you're a beautiful person
And I want you to grow
The way he talks to you is just so inapro
I hope that you're strong
When he's doing you wrong
And I hope you find comfort in the words of these songs
Now sing along and while I tell you this story just listen closely
I know you like my music but look, you don't really know me
See I live outside the city where there's nothing going on
I just look around for meaning while I'm sitting on my lawn
One day I met this girl and she was beautiful too
I looked closely at her eyes this nice light shade of blue
She was still in high school
I was one year removed
We're both a little older for the things we've been through
Pretty soon I started seeing all the things he would do
She wasn't black and blue, but emotionally bruised
It made me so mad I didn't know what to do
Told her no matter what
Imma be there for you
But as things became more hectic in my life I started fading out
Began to lie to her
I wasn't fair to her
I hate it
Now I hope that you can understand my honesty
I really fucking wanna knock that dude out honestly
You don't have to believe it but I think about you every day
I sing about you every way
Cuz you're the perfect melody
I know the world ain't perfect
But to me you are my everything
My little light of sunshine
I'm holding on for better days

I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days
I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days

I wanna go back when we were sitting at that ice cream shop
I'm looking at you in your eyes
I'm feeling like my heart has stopped
You laughed at me for getting soy peanut butter
Back then I thought shit nah, I don't need no other person in my life
For nothing else don't even matter
Maybe I'm so numb that nothing bad could ever happen to me
Maybe I'm so evil I attract all of these tragedies
Maybe we're so graceful we create all of these masterpieces
So facetious we would laugh about it
Nobody can reach us for a half an hour
Sleeping in my half apartment
We don't have to watch the news
I never felt more comfortable my face so close to you
And Imma break it down for you
I think about you every day
I sing about you every way
Cuz you're the perfect melody
I know the world ain't perfect
But to me you are my everything
My little light of sunshine
I'm holding on for better days

I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days
I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days

What does it mean if I don't know what love feels like?
My parents got divorced when I was young so I just feel like
Exampled that I have to look upon are probably not great
Knowing you're in a similar position doesn't make it okay
I'm feeling like my goal is to make these blue skies turn grey
But in the blink of an eye it could go away
So even if it's just for ten minutes
I wanna drive around with you
And think about our life in the present
These are our better days

I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days
I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days
I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days

The other day I was thinking like
How come you never make a happy song, you know what I'm saying?

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Big Sean - Beware Lyrics

Big Sean - Beware Lyrics

(feat. Jhené Aiko and Lil Wayne)

[Big Sean & Jhene Aiko:]
When you said it was over
You shot right throhgh my heart
When you let these hoes tear what we had right apart
Oooh, I'm so mad
I could 've see this coming right from the start
You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart

[Big Sean:]
Praying to a sky all black
Looking at the stars like they finna talk back
Looking at my phone like she finna call back
But last night I feel like probably ended all that
Cause by now she woulda sent a text in all caps
Then another one tryna take all back
Saying f-ck you, I misss you or I hate you so much
Cause girls only say "hate you" to the guyz they love
I know, I know, I know
The highs, the lows it comes and goes
You say "be real" I try, I don't
Cause you take anything and just make it everything
Kept my phone on silence ever since you got a ring (funny right?)
And I never cheated (I mean, maybe once, twice)
One time don't change everything
She ask why I don't feel the same, I'm still the same
She's still insane and know she's saying

[Big Sean & Jhene Aiko:]
When you said it was over
You shot right throhgh my heart
When you let these hoes tear what we had right apart
Oooh, I'm so mad
I could 've see this coming right from the start
You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart

[Big Sean:]
Okay, skeet, smoke
Sleep, cal, text
Woke, spoke,
Lie, feel, Lisa ew
Time, kill, months, still

I got somebody baby mama calling me daddy
I drank too much, please call be cabby
Penthouse after party hoes want that addy
F-ck they can ride with us, crawl in a Caddy
Third row is when you call, I hit cancel
Really, I hit answer, f-ck I hate when that happens
Phone in my pocket for the whole night
And you heard bitches screamin' til my phone dies
Then she text me like "why you still talk to my mama?"
How the f-ck you run around with condoms?
Why you make me get this tattoo?
Man, f-ck this tattoo you the reason
I wasn't single in college
What? all beacause I had you
Nigga I don't even have you
How she called the next guy spillin' some real shit
Now they problems he got to deal with

[Big Sean & Jhene Aiko:]
When you said it was over
You shot right throhgh my heart
When you let these hoes tear what we had right apart
Oooh, I'm so mad
I could 've see this coming right from the start
You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart

[Lil Wayne:]
Girl, don't believe them hoes
Cause they don't wanna see us together
And you already know you're too fly
But baby, don't get your hair caught in the propellers
I be tryna tell her these hoes is jealous
You know they never like it when you never say never
long hair, red bone, but her pussy is hairless
Muah, I french kiss it like we in Paris
I be screaming out, "I ain't no woman like the one I got"
But she be always worrying about the one I f-cked
She said it's gonna be me, myself and I
Damn, that would make me a one-eted f-ck
Sch, I was so mad
Damn, you used to ride a nigga like a moped
But players f-ck up, my bad
And just to kkep from crying, I laughed

[Big Sean & Jhene Aiko:]
When you said it was over
You shot right throhgh my heart
When you let these hoes tear what we had right apart
Oooh, I'm so mad
I could 've see this coming right from the start
You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart

[Jhene Aiko:]
Baby, Last tome calling me baby
lat time calling me crazy
Crazy, crazy 2x

Serdar Ortac - Sana Uzandim Lyrics

Serdar Ortac - Sana Uzandim Lyrics

Bu sabah sensiz açtim ellerimi
Kara bir bulutun orda sen vardin
Uyan uykudan uyanda gel yanima
Getir Allahim...

Soramam seni hazan gülüm nerede
Yaradan onu ayirdi cennetine
Seni beklerdim gurbet elde bile
Neden Allahim...

Sana uzandim yine varamadim
Veren Allah aldida doyamadim
Seni gögsüme saripta uyamadim
Neden Allahim...

Birini aldin beni ne biraktin
Bu can onsuz yasar mi sandin
Yagmur oldum kapina dayandim
Götür Allahim...

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

B2st - Just Before Shock Lyrics

B2st - Just Before Shock Lyrics

Ni saenggage tto naneun gireul hemaego
Sorichyeo bulleo bwado amureon daedabi eobseo

Uri haengbokhan naldo hamkkehan sigando
Doedollil su eomna bwa sigani ireoke gana bwa

Neobakke moreudeon naui I du nunen
Neoui hayateon useum nareul bureudeon neoui moseumman

(Saenggangna) tto saenggagi nago nan nunmuri nago
Dasi tto neoreul chaja hemae

Baby baby please (please) naege dasi dorawa (naege dorawa)
Baby baby Why (Why) jakkuman naegeseo meoreojyeo (meoreojineun neo)
(Please) saranghandago (Please) malhaedallago
(Why) butjabeuryeo haedo amureon daedabi eobseo
Baby baby please (please) doraseoseo hanbeonman ttak
hanbeonman nal hanbeonman
Useumyeo nal barabwa jwo

Ije nareul tteona ganeun neo
(Ajik jikiji motan yaksogi neomu manheunde)
Maeil bameul ulgo isseo na
(Ibyeoreun nareul mureotteutgo sangcheoman namgyeo nwa oh God)

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Jeszcze Raz... Lyrics

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Jeszcze Raz... Lyrics

Znowu ujrzec cie.
Ja chcialbym tak,
Ale nie da sie.
Tylko w sercu mam,
Wszystkie chwile te.
Gdy bylas blisko przy mnie,
Ja ciagle kocham cie !

Ref. Jeszcze raz
Spojrzec w twoja twarz.
By moc ujrzec czy jeszcze pamietasz,
Tamte chwile gdy bylismy my.
Naprawde chcialbym jeszcze raz.

2. Choc widzialem cie,
Stalas blisko tak.
Choc chcialem ,
Lecz nie wiedzialem..
Czy powiesz znowu tak..

Ref. Jeszcze raz...

G3rst - Save Esteem Lyrics

G3rst - Save Esteem Lyrics

La la la la la la la la la la

I wrote her off for the tenth time today
And practiced all the things I would say
When she came over I lost my nerve
I took her back and made her dessert
Now I know I'm being used
But that's okay man cause I like the abuse
I know she's playing with me
But that's okay cause I've got no self esteem

Oh wayo, yeah, yeah
Ohhhhhhh, yeah, yeah (Repeat three times)

We make plans go out at night
I wait till 2 then I turn out the light
This rejection's got me so low
If she keeps it up I just might tell her so


Now I'll relay this little bit
It happens more than I'd like to admit
Late at night, she knocks on my door
She's drunk again and, looking to score
Now I know, I should say no, but
It's kind of hard when she's ready to go
I may be dumb, but I'm not a dweeb
I'm just a sucker with no self esteem


The Box - Don't Cry Lyrics

The Box - Don't Cry Lyrics

I heard you crying through the bedroom door
I've never seen you shed a tear before
It broke my heart

It drove me crazy, I lost my head
I didn't have a clue what to say or what to do
All I wanted was to hold you up against me
For all of the night

Don't cry, baby, don't cry
It's alright, babe, it's alright now
Don't cry, baby, don't cry
We've got eyes to see
And all I want to do is shed on the light

Don't say you're sorry
Don't ever think we've lost each other
There's no need to worry
'Cause our love is true

We've got time, we've got each other
We shouldn't always know what to say, what to do
All we are is all we ever needed
Just you and me

Don't cry, baby, don't cry
It's alright, babe, it's alright now
Don't cry, baby, don't cry
We've got eyes to see
And all I want to do is shed on the light

I heard you crying through the bedroom door
I've never seen you shed a tear before
It broke my heart

It drove me crazy, I lost my head
I didn't have a clue what to say or what to do
All I wanted was to hold you up against me
For all of the night

Don't cry, baby, don't cry
It's alright, babe, it's alright now
Don't cry, baby, don't cry
Can't you see we have never meant to hurt each other

Don't cry, baby, don't cry
Don't you worry about a thing, we'll be doing just fine now
Don't cry, baby, don't cry
We've got eyes to see

Don't cry, baby, don't cry
It's alright, babe, it's alright now
Don't cry, baby, don't cry
We've got eyes to see
And all I want to do is shed on the light

Thanks to The Proud Canadian

Elaz - Du Och Jag Lyrics

Elaz - Du Och Jag Lyrics

Vers 1)

Jenny jag vill vara hos dig,
För du ska veta att jag alltid finns där för dig.
Kärleken ska vakas som gud över jorden,
Så jag rappar dessa orden.
Är inte din kille nu,
Men säg att det ska vara jag och du.
Du ska veta vad jag känner,
Med ett glöd het hjärta som bränner.
Du är ju det finaste jag vet,
Och får jag nu träffa dig så kommer det bli fett.
Alla vet att dagar kommer och går,
Men jag är kär och jag hoppas du förstår.
Har aldrig blivit kär förr med så här snabb fart,
Fast det är ändå underbart.
Det finns en dröm , och vi ska leva i den,
Så kom nu så att vi kan börja leva i den tiden.
Vill bara ha dig,
För jag är kär i dig.
Det finns diamanter, och dom finns i dina ögon,
Och jag tittar jämt på dom.
Så tänk nu på hur bra livet kan bli,
För kärlek måste förbli.


Jag tänker på dig.
Och vill att det ska bli du och jag,
Å säga för evigt.
Du och jag,
Och sen för evigt.
du och jag.

Jag tänker på dig.
Och vill att det ska bli du och jag,
Å säga för evigt.
Du och jag,
Och sen för evigt.
du och jag.

Vers 2)

En ängel som är mer glansig än en diamant,
Gillar du mig? I så falla kan jag inte tro att det är sant.
En ängel som förtrollade mig,
Så kom till mig nu, för jag kommer aldrig lämna dig.
Hos mig kommer du känna dig trygg,
Ja det lovar jag, du är ju så snygg.
För i mitt hjärta är det obeskrivlig kärlek som förklaras.
Med känslor som förvaras.
Kan säga så mycke,
Men kom då så att jag kan ge dig min nyckel.
Så Jenny kom så att jag får kyssa dina läppar,
Kan lova att vi är det perfekta.
Och detta som jag rappar står jag för,
Du är så vacker att dig kan jag dö för.
Kanske inte känner dig så bra,
Men jag hoppas att det blir jag och du en vacker dag.
Det finns många vackra ord,
Och jag vill förklara dom som känslor i mitt blod.
Vill bara tända massa ljus,
Och ha mysig hemma kväll med massa mys.
Du är mina tankar,
Så fatta att jag är cp med ett hjärta som bankar.
Hur fan kunde jag bli kär så här fort,
Du är ju så fin, och allt känns stort.
Så Jenny kom nu till min närhet,
För detta underbara kallar jag kärlek.

Thanks to elaz

Aasim - I'm What You Need Lyrics

Aasim - I'm What You Need Lyrics

feat. The Weeknd

Maybe I wonder if I met you in some other life
Would you strip for me, then dip for me, lick your lips for me
Cause fronting is just bullshit for me
I'm far from falling in love with you
But I fucks with you
When I'm up in you, I'm in lust with you
Sip vodka in 2 cups with you
What's up with you?
That lingerie fits nice on you
Fresh manicure let me fingerpaint you
French manicure, red bottom heels
Vicky secret, tell me you high maintenance ain't you
Is it too much to touch you, fuck you and then don't call you for weeks
In one breath you talk like you boojy but god damn
you still grind like a freak
The tip of your tongue feels nice
You lick on my tatto feels right
Your light skin really glows in the light
I'm rock hard and your pussy so tight
He don't even know how your clock work
He tries hard but can never understand you
Behind all that fancy shit is a sassy chick
You want a nigga to grab you,
Pick up your light frame, blow you round like a dice game
Take a ride on my night train
Plus you hurt sometimes but it's a nice pain
I can make your whole life change
And I go deep, you gets no sleep
My little rope, give you slowly
I make your knee caps and your elbows sweet
I got the ice cap for your cold sheets

It's what you want, it's what you want
I'm what you need, I'm what you need
It's what you want, it's what you want
I'm what you need, I'm what you need
Lightframe, ...bitch, working on the counter trick
Throw it back, bust it open, put it down upon this dick
It's what you want, it's what you want
It's what you want, it's what you want
It's what you want, it's what you want
Lightframe, ...bitch, working on the counter trick
Throw it back, bust it open, put it down upon this dick

Merry christmas to unwrap you
Handle my bizness when I tap you
I relax you then I max you
It's hd when I climax you
Put your head down now arch your back
Put your pillow upon to your stomach for leverage
Sex is the best anytime
But it's best with a bottle of alcoholic beverage
I don't wanna finish your sentences
I just wanna give you dick and affection
I don't wanna sleep till noon
I wanna wake up in the morning with another erection
Put on another rubber protection
Play some wekend...selection
You giving me head is another suggestion
If your head game whack, find another contestant
Lights on is good, I wanna see your face
Lights on is good, I wanna see you naked
Legs on my shoulders, I wanna see you take it
And when you're coming
Best believe I wanna see you shaking

It's what you want, it's what you want
I'm what you need, I'm what you need
It's what you want, it's what you want
I'm what you need, I'm what you need
Lightframe, ...bitch, working on the counter trick
Throw it back, bust it open, put it down upon this dick
It's what you want, it's what you want
It's what you want, it's what you want
It's what you want, it's what you want
Lightframe, ...bitch, working on the counter trick
Throw it back, bust it open, put it down upon this dick.

Serdar Ortac - Sakin Arama Lyrics

Serdar Ortac - Sakin Arama Lyrics

Ben sana asirlardan gün yaptim saymadim
Sen bize ne oyunlar ettiysen, ben uymadim
Ben sana asirlardan gün yaptim
Duy diye sarkilar söyledim yine de duymadin

Ben hanciyim bunla kurtulduguma duaciyim
Sen yolcusun, adi üstünde, unutulur yoklugun

Sakin arama sormayi deneme
Bundan böyle, selam bile verme
Iki gün olur, üç gün olur
Elbet, tas yerini bulur

Bakemonogatari - Kaerimichi Lyrics

Bakemonogatari - Kaerimichi Lyrics

koko wo migi tsugi hidari
mou nicchi mo sacchi mo
ikanakutte komaru

migi hidari higi midari
BASU no mado kara
te ya ashi wo dasu na

soko hidari sugu migi e
mou docchi ga docchi demo
kekkyoku onaji

hare nochi kumori
tokoro ni yori
tokidoki ame mitai na koto da yo ne

yori michi bakari shitetara
itsu no manika
hi ga kureteru
toshi mo kureteru
tohou ni kurechatteru

onaka ga naku kara kaerou
massugu ouchi e kaerou
kokoro ga mayou toki wa
sono egao ga mejirushi

te to te wo tsunaide kaerou
isshoni ouchi e kaerou
itsudatte soko ni ite
mitsukete kureru anata to

toomawari demo
toomawari ja nai

kore hidari mata hidari
mou socchi wa socchi de
me ga mawatte shimau

migi wo mite hidari mite
mo ichido mi hidari
mugen RUUPU

mada hidari yatto migi
mou acchi mo kocchi mo
urusai na chotto

magaru kato mise kakete
jitsu wa michi nari ni
massugu kamo yo

yori michi bakari shitetara
itsu no manika
hi ga kureteru
toshi mo kureteru
tohou ni kurechatteru

onaka ga naku nara kaerou
massugu ouchi e kaerou
kokoro ga mayou toki wa
sono egao ga mejirushi

te to te wo tsunaide kaerou
isshoni ouchi e kaerou
itsudatte soko ni ite
mitsukete kureru anata to

toomawari demo
toomawari ja nai

sashi mono nara
tooku ni mitsuketa kedo
douka ima wa
kono mama de ite
nemu kunaru jikan made
ato sukoshi

onaka ga naku kara kaerou
massugu ouchi e kaerou
kokoro ga mayou toki wa
sono egao ga mejirushi

te to te wo tsunaide kaerou
isshoni ouchi e kaerou
itsudatte soko ni ite
mitsukete kureru anata to

toomawari demo
tokubetsu na michi

toomawari demo
toomawari ja nai

Stephanie Mills - I Just Wanna Say Lyrics

Stephanie Mills - I Just Wanna Say Lyrics

So much love
I never knew before
And every day
I need you more and more

I was lost
With no love to be found
Then you came
Now love is all around

There's so many reasons to love you so
Hold me, darling
Open your eyes, let your feelings show
I'm so willing to begin
Oh, oh, oh, oh, woh, oh

I just wanna say
Wanna stay together in love this way
Oh I, I just wanna say
You are mine
From you I'll never stray
Oh I, I just wanna say
Ooh, I pray
Our love is here to stay

Everything is right
Want to be
With you day and night

Seasons change
Faces come and go
But you and me
We're gonna let love grow

Whenever you need me, just turn my way
I'll be there
This gift what you gave me I can't repay
'Cause love is ours to share
Oh, oh, oh, who, oh, oh

I just wanna say
Wanna stay together in love this way
Oh I, I just wanna say
You are mine
From you I'll never stray
Oh I, I just wanna say
Ooh, I pray
Our love is here to stay
Ooh I, I just wanna say
Wanna stay together in love this way
I just wanna, just wanna
You are mine
From you I'll never stray
I just wanna, I just wanna, I just wanna
Oooh, I pray
Our love is here to stay
I just wanna say
Oh, oh, oh, together in love this way
I just wanna, I just wanna, I, I, I
Oh yeah
From you I'll never stray

Eric Woolfson - Too Late (Cast Album) Lyrics

Eric Woolfson - Too Late (Cast Album) Lyrics

When you were standing in the rain I gave you shelter
Now I come knocking at your door, you give me none
Well I don't make that kind of deal with anybody
And I won't be that fool for anyone

How would you feel if the tables had been turned?
What would you do if the bridges had been burned?

Is it too late now, the magic's lost
Too late now, the spell is broken
Too late now to count the cost
Of words that should remain

And I protected you from those who tried to harm you
And I believed you though I knew the words were lies
And it was me to had to say that I was sorry
And it was me you always cut right down to size

How many danger signs did you ignore?
How many times have you heard it all before?

'Cause it's too late now, the magic's lost
Too late now, the spell is broken
Too late now to count the cost
Of words that should remain

And now I need you by my side, you stand above me
And when I look into your eyes, you turn away
Well if that's the best there is, then I won't buy it
And if that's the only game, then I won't play

How do you feel now the tables had been turned?
What will you do now the bridges had been burned?

'Cause it's too late now, the magic's lost
Too late now, the spell is broken
Too late now to count the cost
Of words that should remain

And I've been waiting for so long without good reason
(I see the world, I'm looking from a high place)
And I was hoping for a change that never came
(Way above it all, standing on higher ground)
And it was always me who ended up the loser
(I breathe the air while they're running in a rat race)
And it was always me who had to take the blame
(Way above it all, standing on higher ground)

How many danger signs did you ignore?
How many times have you heard it all before?

'Cause it's too late now, the magic's lost
Too late now, the spell is broken
Too late now to count the cost
Of words that should remain...

Too late now, the magic's lost
Too late now, the spell is broken

Too late now to count the cost
(My ship is, is sailing, sailing, with the high tide)
Of words that should remain unspoken

Too late now, the magic's lost
(I will be, be sailing, standing on the inside)
Too late now, the spell is broken

Too late now to count the cost
(My ship is, is sailing)
Of words that should remain...

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Eric Woolfson - What Kind Of World Lyrics

Eric Woolfson - What Kind Of World Lyrics

No joy to share, to love to spare
What kind of world to bring a child to
So much confusion and despair
No comfort there

And in this war worth dying for,
What kind of world to bring a child to
Whoever's right, whoever's wrong
They just go on
They must go on

'Til the last one dies
And the weeping willow cries
As the darkness comes again
To the earth below
Where the winter winds will blow
As the darkness comes again

And so you live upon our knees
What kind of world to bring a child to
Beneath an everlasting cloud
We cry aloud

And so my child, I'm warning you
There's every reason to be careful
Beware the darkness in their eyes
They'll cheat you blind
And tell you lies

And if I do what I must do
There's every reason to be thankful
Be thankful you were never born
You'll never grow
You'll never know

When the last one dies
And the weeping willow cries
As the darkness comes again
To the earth below
Where the winter winds will blow
As the darkness comes again

What kind of world?
What kind of world!

As the darkness comes again...

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Steve Balsamo - Well Of Souls Lyrics

Steve Balsamo - Well Of Souls Lyrics

I can't describe my situation
It's not an earthly-born location
There's not a lot of information
There are just stories told

There is no point in us debating
As we will only end up waiting
There is no way I will be taking
The last bus home

I'm way above it all
No future comes to call
There ain't no way to say it
I'm in the well of souls

There is no feat of navigation
That will lead to my salvation
No easy long- or lat- equation
There ain't no guiding star

Lost in love without solution
With every chance of retribution
Hit by waves of raw emotion
I won't be going far

I'm way above it all
No future comes to call
(There ain't no way)
There ain't no way to say it
I'm in the well of souls

There ain't no way to say it
I'm in the well of souls
Of souls

I'm way above it all
No future comes to call
(No future, the future isn't everything)
There ain't no way to say it
I'm in the well of souls

I'm in the well of souls...

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Leo Marini - En La Palma De La Mano Lyrics

Leo Marini - En La Palma De La Mano Lyrics

Every One loves this song En La Palma De La Mano Lyric by Leo Marini and I want to share Lyrics of This Sony. Song Sung by Leo Marini, it’s really fabulous songs and lyrics by Leo Marini, its worldwide famous, thank you so much for sing and for writes these lyrics.
Title          En La Palma De La Mano
Artist        Leo Marini
Album        -
Genre        -
Duration    02:57

Yo le pregunté a una gitana, queriendo saber mi destino
Si tu cariñito y el mío habrían de encontrarse en el
mismo camino.

Leyendo la palma de mi mano, me dijo que te encontraría
Por eso te he estado buscando de noche y de día hasta
que te hallé

Y si a mi tu no me quieres, te quiero a ti yo
En la palma de la mano la gitana lo leyó
Lo leyó, lo leyó, la gitana lo leyó


Dicen que soy borracho, que no valgo nada, que vivo soñando
Pero el mundo no sabe las penas amargas que sufro llorando

La vida no me importa pues solo me ha dado traiciones
y envidias
Yo se que todo es falso, que amor y amistad son tan
solo mentiras

Que saben de la vida los que no han sufrido
Los que nunca han sentido una pena de amor

Dicen que soy borracho, que voy por el mundo como alma
Si bebo es por mi gusto y a nadie le importa, yo vivo
mi vida


Caribe soy de la tierra del amor, de la tierra donde
nace el sol
Donde las verdes palmeras se mecen airosas al soplo
del mar

Busco un amor que me quite del alma el pesar
Que me llene de felicidad, un amor tropical


Quiero sentir, las caricias de nueva ilusión
De entregarle todo el corazón a este amor tropical
Caribe, Caribe soy,


Up coming search query

En La Palma De La Mano lyrics

En La Palma De La Mano AZ lyrics

En La Palma De La Mano by Leo Marini

lyrics of Leo Marini - En La Palma De La Mano

lyrics of Leo Marini

Leo Marini En La Palma De La Mano lyrics

lyrics of Leo Marini

En La Palma De La Mano by Leo Marini 2013

Leo Marini 2013 songs lyrics

En La Palma De La Mano 2013

Monday, 3 June 2013

Oskar Linnros - Kan Jag Få Ett Vittne? Lyrics

Oskar Linnros - Kan Jag Få Ett Vittne? Lyrics

du är född i döda vinkeln
du har aldrig sett dig le
åh, men jag ska vara ditt vittne
ah, jag ska följa varje steg

du har aldrig sett dig somna
så vad vet du om någonting
jag är den som du ska kalla
jag ska se när du är blind

om ensammast är starkast
var jag starkare förut
när jag somnade själv
på en måndagkväll
helt full som herregud

kan jag få ett vittne?
tiden går
känns som att jag sitter livstid
hör någon på

jag säger
kan jag få ett vittne?
och du svara mig till sist
men innan dig var allting tyst

åh, du har aldrig sett dig komma
ja, du har aldrig sett dig gå
hur, hur dig vände dig och somna
bara jag ska se dig så

så när internet har glömt oss (när de glömt oss)
ska jag följa dig ändå
när personerna vi kanske känner
slutat titta på

om ensammast är starkast
var jag starkare förut
brukade somna själv
varje måndagkväll
helt full som herregud (va-va-vafan)

kan jag få ett vittne?
tiden går
känns som att jag sitter livstid
hör någon på (hör någon på)

kan jag få ett vittne?
och du svara mig till sist
men innan dig var allting tyst

innan dig var allting tyst

du kan leta i en spegel
jag vet mer om dig ändå
för du kommer aldrig se
hur du ser ut från där jag står

om ensammast är starkast
var jag starkare förut
när jag somnade själv
varje måndagkväll
helt full som herregud

kan jag få ett vittne? (kan jag få ett vittne?)
tiden går
känns som att ja (och jag undrar)
hör någon på (hör någon på)

kan jag få ett vittne?
och du svara mig till sist
men innan dig var allting tyst

(kan jag få ett vittne?)
kan jag få ett vittne?

(tiden går)
tiden går

(känns som att jag sitter livstid)

hör någon på
(hör någon på)

kan jag få ett vittne?
(kan jag få ett vittne?)

(och du svara mig till sist)
svara mig till sist

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Oskar Linnros - Stockholm Lyrics

Oskar Linnros - Stockholm Lyrics

min stad
plats att leva, plats att dö
sa skön
jakobsberg till vendelsö

min stad
just där solen börjar om
och sa farlig och sa djup
tuggar upp dig, spottar ut
ända hittar jag tillbaks till slut

till stockholm, holm, holm
stockholm, holm
du haller mig sa hart

min stad (din stad)
flyger stolt i morgonsol
sa söt (sa söt)
önskar att hon vore stor

jag finns
pa ditt hörn fran var till höst
kärlek och anfetamin
allting samlas, flyttar hit
för att solen stiger upp i öst

stockholm, holm, holm
stockholm, holm
du haller mig sa hart

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Oskar Linnros - Kan Jag Få Ett Vittne? Lyrics

Oskar Linnros - Kan Jag Få Ett Vittne? Lyrics

du är född i döda vinkeln
du har aldrig sett dig le
åh, men jag ska vara ditt vittne
ah, jag ska följa varje steg

du har aldrig sett dig somna
så vad vet du om någonting
jag är den som du ska kalla
jag ska se när du är blind

om ensammast är starkast
var jag starkare förut
när jag somnade själv
på en måndagkväll
helt full som herregud

kan jag få ett vittne?
tiden går
känns som att jag sitter livstid
hör någon på

jag säger
kan jag få ett vittne?
och du svara mig till sist
men innan dig var allting tyst

åh, du har aldrig sett dig komma
ja, du har aldrig sett dig gå
hur, hur dig vände dig och somna
bara jag ska se dig så

så när internet har glömt oss (när de glömt oss)
ska jag följa dig ändå
när personerna vi kanske känner
slutat titta på

om ensammast är starkast
var jag starkare förut
brukade somna själv
varje måndagkväll
helt full som herregud (va-va-vafan)

kan jag få ett vittne?
tiden går
känns som att jag sitter livstid
hör någon på (hör någon på)

kan jag få ett vittne?
och du svara mig till sist
men innan dig var allting tyst

innan dig var allting tyst

du kan leta i en spegel
jag vet mer om dig ändå
för du kommer aldrig se
hur du ser ut från där jag står

om ensammast är starkast
var jag starkare förut
när jag somnade själv
varje måndagkväll
helt full som herregud

kan jag få ett vittne? (kan jag få ett vittne?)
tiden går
känns som att ja (och jag undrar)
hör någon på (hör någon på)

kan jag få ett vittne?
och du svara mig till sist
men innan dig var allting tyst

(kan jag få ett vittne?)
kan jag få ett vittne?

(tiden går)
tiden går

(känns som att jag sitter livstid)

hör någon på
(hör någon på)

kan jag få ett vittne?
(kan jag få ett vittne?)

(och du svara mig till sist)
svara mig till sist

Oskar Linnros - Stockholm Lyrics

min stad
plats att leva, plats att dö
sa skön
jakobsberg till vendelsö

min stad
just där solen börjar om
och sa farlig och sa djup
tuggar upp dig, spottar ut
ända hittar jag tillbaks till slut

till stockholm, holm, holm
stockholm, holm
du haller mig sa hart

min stad (din stad)
flyger stolt i morgonsol
sa söt (sa söt)
önskar att hon vore stor

jag finns
pa ditt hörn fran var till höst
kärlek och anfetamin
allting samlas, flyttar hit
för att solen stiger upp i öst

stockholm, holm, holm
stockholm, holm
du haller mig sa hart

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Gianna Nannini - Lamento Lyrics

Gianna Nannini - Lamento Lyrics

Ce l'ho con te capelli neri occhi di gabbiano
ce l'ho con te bello sei nato e bello sei dannato
mi sono messa a scrivere il tuo nome
non ho potuto dolce anima mia
la penna mi si? rotta dla dolore
e la vita ? un lampo a volte un giorno soltanto
e la notte ubriaca di stelle in citt?
tu sei il mio tormento io mi lamento
ce l'ho con te ce l'ho con te
giovane bello giovane d'onore
ce l'ho con te lo so che avevi un mondo da scoprire
bello sei nato per farmi morire
lo so mche tu c'hai un cuore solamente
e come fai a contentarne tante
e la vita ? un lampo a volte un giorno soltanto
e la notte ladra di stelle in citt?
dimmi dimmi per te morirei
dimmi dimmi e ti inginocchierai
dimmi dimmi per te morirei
dimmi dimmi e allora scenderai
tra le mie braccia ce l'ho con te
se morta tu mi vuoi dammi il veleno
ce l'ho con te ed io lo porter? con la mia mano
dimmi dimmi dimmi di chi sei
scendi scendi e ti inginocchierai
tra le mie braccia
ce l'ho con te
giovane bello e giovane d'onore ce l'ho con te

Friday, 24 May 2013

Gianna Nannini - Storia Di Un Sorriso Lyrics

Gianna Nannini - Storia Di Un Sorriso Lyrics

Il mio passo va lungo il fiume torbido
il mio passo va penso ad un'et?
e a questo mondo dove va
sto parlando ma scheletriti gli alberi
non sentono
muore il mondo intorno
ma piano piano ecco il suo sorriso
piano piano un p? pi? piano
e pi? forte fortissimo
sciogliersi insime dia vincoli
come volatili
come cavalli liberi
e che cos'? che sento
precipito dentro
le valanghe sopra i pregiudizi scendono
dalla mano mia cade piano il libro di psicologia
formule sull'uomo per cercare un p? di buono
l'ansia cresce e va corre l'inflazione della realt?
ma aldil? del fiume che succede che succede
con un sorriso e quattro braccia giovani
la soluzione di problemi inutili
con un sorriso e poi stringendosi
si sono sciolti dai vincoli
come volatili
come cavalli liberi
e che cos'? che sento
precipito dentro
le valanghe sopra i pregiudizi scendono

Gianna Nannini - Una Luce Lyrics

Gianna Nannini - Una Luce Lyrics

Gridi, nella notte che favola vicino a te
quanti baci ho dato che non riconosco pi?
ridi, quel bacio forte li butta tutti gi?
e vedo la neve vicino al buio
non so dove sei non so
ovunque andr?, io non lo so pi?
a volte mi sembra tutto un giardino di ghiaccio
guarda, quelle nuvole che scendono
nella curva della spiaggia ti ci porto io
mi guarda, un uccellino in cima alla grondaia
ma non c'? nessuno a che ci separa
il mare dove sei non so
c'? il mare ma non lo so pi?
chi sono da dove vengo e perch? non sento freddo
stella verr? pietra brillante di sole
io sar? con te una febbre di luce
stella verr? per una grande donna laggi?
che non si sentir? pi? poi cos? sola
calda verr? una luce calda sar?
una luce forte di ghiaccio e di estasi....
mi sento battere il cuore in cima al giardino di ghiaccio....

Gianna Nannini - Ballami Lyrics

Gianna Nannini - Ballami Lyrics

Bicipite trapezio granorsale piccolo rotondo sternocleidomastoideo
flessore stensore promotore grande psoas brachiale
mediale deltoide pettorale
quanti muscoli hai quante cose in comune
tu li chiami per nome tu li porti con te
dimmi come ti muovi nella vasca da bagno
quale succo di frutta bevi troppo il caff?
e la mia mamma e la mia mamma ? marocchina
e la mia mamma e la mia mamma ? un'africana
non ballare con lei quando scende la notte
quanti angoli hai quante ore per giorno
non le vedi arrivare sono dietro di teq
uante scarpe ti metti quali passi mi insegni
quanti balli conosci fuori e dentro di me
e la mia mamma e la mia mamma ? radio Tokio
e la mia mamma e la mia mamma ? bratislava
non ballare con lei quando scende la notte
albe giapponesi sulla mia citt?
dormi nagasaki sotto il fumo della civilt?
quanti spigoli hai quante unghie nei muritu le guardi
spuntare loro aspettano te
quanti sogni distorti sotto il fondo del mare
li nascondi nel buio fino dentro di me
e la mia mamma e la mia mamma ? un pastamatic
e la mia mamma e la mia mamma ? un frigobar
non ballare con lei quando scende la notte
albe giapponesi sulla mia citt?
dormi nagasaki sotto il fumo della civilt?
bicipite trapezio granorsale piccolo rotondo sternocleidomastoideo
flessorestensore promotore grande psoas brachiale mediale
deltoide pettorale

B*Witched - Don't Say Never Lyrics

B*Witched - Don't Say Never Lyrics

Is this the only way to learn now?
It's the only to part
I sleep at night and remember
All the words you said to me

It won't be long (wont be long)
And I will believe (and I will believe)
That you will be there
(That you will be there)
Don't say never

Don't say never (Don't say never)
To all your dreams now
Cause never is a very long time
To be far away
And I will tell you (and I will tell you)
Just don't say never (Just don't say never)
To all inside your heart
(all inside your heart)
It's Alright
aah aah aah aah

So Only time will tell the future
Like rain you know it falls
Now here at last soon together
Just a night away you'll see

It won't be long (wont be long)
And I will believe (and I will believe)
That you will be there
(That you will be there)
Don't say never

Don't say never (Don't say never)
To all your dreams now
Cause never is a very long time
To be far away
And I will tell you (and I will tell you)
Just don't say never (Just don't say never)
To all inside your heart
(all inside your heart)
It's Alright
aah aah aah aah

Don't Say Never
Don't Say Never
Don't Say Never
Don't Say Never
Don't Say Never
Don't Say Never
Don't Say Never

Don't say never (Don't say never)
To all your dreams now
Cause never is a very long time
To be far away
And I will tell you (and I will tell you)
Just don't say never (Just don't say never)
To all inside your heart
(all inside your heart)
It's Alright
Don't say never (Don't say never)
To all your dreams now
Cause never is a very long time
To be far away
And I will tell you (and I will tell you)
Just don't say never (Just don't say never)
To all inside your heart
(all inside your heart)
It's Alright

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Gianna Nannini - Terra Straniera Lyrics

Gianna Nannini - Terra Straniera Lyrics

E mi sveglio qui
in un giorno ad est
tra questa nebbia di provincia
sogno oppure ?
e mi lascio qui
senza una bugia
e mi fa freddo nella notte
sembra casa mia
Ascolto un respiro viene verso me
il volto ? un nemico e non so mai perch?
Io non sono qui
in cima a questa via
ad ogni punto delle stelle vedo casa mia
e non mi sveglio pi?
bevo al tuo caff?
tutta la notte terra rossa dietro me
mi manca il respiro e non sei con me
ma il volto ? un nemico e mi dir? perch?
siamo fatti cos?
siamo fatti cos?
siamo nati per gioco
persi in questa atmosfera
arrivederci terra straniera
E mi sveglio qui
sulla curva nord
tra questa nebbia di provincia
sogno ora o no
che mi lascio si
con le mie bugiee
non ho freddo nella notte sono mie
Lo so che domani non sar? pi? qui
ma ? un gioco di mani ci aspettiamo l?
e mi sveglio qui
nella mia citt?
con questa voglia di sentirmi ancora
ancora qua
e mi da la gioia
come una bugia
oltre la terra il mio cavallo vola via
ascolto un respiro viene dentro me
il volto ? un amico gli chiedo di dov'?
siamo fatti cos?
siamo fatti cos?
siamo fatti cos?
siamo nati per gioco
sparsi nell'atmosfera
arrivederci terra straniera

Gianna Nannini - Con Te Lyrics

Gianna Nannini - Con Te Lyrics

Con te sapore duro dolce e amaro
con te sparisco nel pensiero
e stringo denti e pugni per difendermi
e so della mia furia nel volerti ancora
Un vento forte e violento invero
io tremo e brucio per te davvero
Stai lontano da me stai lontano da me stasera
stai lontano da me stai lontano da me mi fai paura
Con te e pi? nessun dolore
con te che orami mi si trafigge il cuore
strisciando e poi volando e rotolando via
io non intendo voce che non sia la tua
Un vento di primavera si ? spento
io brucio e muoio ma non mi pento
stai lontano da me, stai lontano da me stasera
stai lontano da me, stai lontano da me mi fai paura
Rassicurami tu rassicurami tu stasera
Rassicurami tu rassicurami tu ancora

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Hannah - Polka Spotted Dinosaur Lyrics

Hannah - Polka Spotted Dinosaur Lyrics

I can see a dinosaur
Oh look there it goes
And while I hope that dinosaur
Comes back with some cool clothes,
I'll sit here and draw him on my floor.

That night when I went to bed,
I laid down my big haired head
On my pokemon pillow with my teddy bear
I didn't have a worry or care.

When I fell asleep I had a dream,
It was of a dinosaur football team.
They came charging for the ball
But all I could do is fall,
But while falling I had a scream.

But then out of nowhere,
I see a polka spotted dinosaur
It looked just like the one on my floor.
It smiled and winked and caught
Me with it's head of... cabbage?

Then we hung out for ever
But when I had to go
The dinosaur said it's name was Bo.

When I awoke, out my window I see,
A polka spotted dinosaur standing by my tree.
I'm so happy I jump for joy
But then I realize it's just a toy...

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Gianna Nannini - Cuore Zingaro Lyrics

Gianna Nannini - Cuore Zingaro Lyrics

Non ti riconosco pi?
e perch? hai messo gli occhiali da sole
non ti riconosco pi?
ti sei vestito da uomo per bene
Prima spara tu
se vuoi davvero morire per me
prima muori tu
amami stasera spendi di pi?
non ti riconosco pi?
e quella sera che ti ho visto entrare
non te la ricordi pi?
neanche la pizza col bacio per due
Prima spara tu
se vuoi davvero morire per me
prima muori tu amami stasera
spendi di pi?
Hai il cuore zingaro
baci da femmina
vieni da me la notte ? gitana
hai il cuore zingaro
labbra di zucchero
vieni con me la notte ? gitana
Non ti riconosco
pi? mentre mi preghi ti vedo annegare
non te la ricordi pi?
ti sei pentito da uomo per bene
Prima spara tu
se vuoi davvero morire per me
prima muori tu
amami stasera spendi di pi?
Hai il cuore zingaro
baci da femmina
vieni da me la notte ? gitana
hai il cuore zingaro
labbra di zucchero
vieni con me la notte ? gitana

Monday, 6 May 2013

Jason DeRulo - The Other Side Lyrics

Jason DeRulo - The Other Side Lyrics

In the beginning
I never thought it would be you
When we were chillin
Smiling in the photo booth
But we got closer (Yeah)
'Till you were eating off my spoon
And coming over
And we would talk all afternoon

Tonight we'll just get drunk
Disturb the peace
Bind your hands all over me
And then you bite your lip
Whisper and say, "We're going all the way"

Tonight, take me to the other side
Sparks fly like the Fourth of July
Just take me to the other side
I see that sexy look in your eyes
And I know, we ain't friends anymore
If we walk down this road
We'll be lovers for sho
So tonight kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side

This could be perfect
But we won't know unless we try (Try)
I know you're nervous
So just sit back and let me drive

Tonight we'll just get drunk
Disturb the peace
Bind your hands all over me
And then you bite your lip
Whisper and say, "We're going all the way"

Tonight, take me to the other side
Sparks fly like the Fourth of July
Just take me to the other side
I see that sexy look in your eyes
And I know, we ain't friends anymore
If we walk down this road
We'll be lovers for sho
So tonight kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side

Kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side
Tonight we'll just get drunk
Disturb the peace
Let your love crash into me
And then you bite your lip
Whisper and say, "We're going all the way"

Tonight, take me to the other side
Sparks fly like the Fourth of July
Just take me to the other side
I see that sexy look in your eyes
And I know, we ain't friends anymore
If we walk down this road
We'll be lovers for sho
So tonight kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side

Take me to the other side
And take me to the other side
Kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side

Azealia Banks - Yung Rapunxel Lyrics

Azealia Banks - Yung Rapunxel Lyrics

I wanna be free
I wanna be free
I wanna be free
I wanna be free

Who's cooler than this, witch,
Maneuver then dip, hip like the ruger - this clip,
Bitches Zooted and Sipped, I'm Suited And Zipped.
Make a move or get skipped, sis ya "who it," and hit,
Like, who is this b*tch?
Who was fooding this fish?
Let ya hoof n' it slip, i'll swoop in and split.
Take two of this tit,. D-do-do-dit dit
Keep Grooving this bitch, like ya new with this pip!

Stay true to this shit,
Mackin' moves in this b*tch, whitey hoot for this sis.
If these niggas is rich, if these niggas insist,
I'ma dig 'em and dip - take a whiff of this mist.
I'm used to this chip.
Spit ya fluidest, - bitch nigga, you could get bent.
Remov-ed and Spent,.
I'm a shoe in this sh*t shaker, you was just tricked,.
Perusing his d**k

Come feud with this fif, face two of this lit.
He's souping his drip, from the roof of this clit.
Brrrrrrrr- Brrrrrr-Brrrrrr-Brrraaaat,
B*tch better quit that quit that chit chat
If you strapped nigga! dare you ta, dare you ta

Just let me pop my sh*t, let me hit that weed!
And sip that - aye niggas? what?!
What the f*ck?
Dare you ta, dare you ta
Let a b*tch nigga drop, bet the b*tch ain't barking like me
Well niggas? What the f*ck
Dare you ta, dare you ta

Just let me pop my sh*t, let me hit that weed!
And sip that - aye niggas? what?!
What the f*ck?
Dare you ta, dare you ta

Show me which niggas out, tryna risk they all with the witch AB?
Az's on the block, straight cheese on the chop-
AZ stay talking that sick, sadistic shit,.
These niggas think they grew up too tough,
I'll rip your niggas head off like he who what who pop?
I'll send him to jehovah like he flew up who got the
I got a situation to handle

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Bare Jr. - Naked Albino Lyrics

Bare Jr. - Naked Albino Lyrics

Red and blue make purple
and purple without red is how i feel
blue is how i feel
running faster chasin' after something
that was never there takes gumption
is how i feel
You wanna know how I feel

Well, I feel like a naked albino
and I'm dancin' in the sun
You are my number one
My one and only one

Two strong arms to wrap around I got 'em
if I only knew how to use 'em
without crushin' someone
Smother choke someone

Flower of her smile wither
wilts away a grimace
but notes a broken promise
is how I feel
Does anybody wanna know how I feel

Well, I feel like a naked albino
and I'm dancin' in the sun
You are my number one
My one and only one

And when I'm naked in the sun
I show my ass to every one
as if that's never been done before
In case you missed the first time

Red and blue make purple
and purple without red is how i feel
blue is how i feel

Well, I feel like a naked albino
and I'm dancin' in the sun
You are my number one
My one and only one

O.A.R. (Of A Revolution) - Coalminer Lyrics

O.A.R. (Of A Revolution) - Coalminer Lyrics

Daddy was a coalminer.
He worked the pits all day.
In Rock Springs, Wyoming.
It was meant to be a stop for a day,
become his home nothing more I can say.

Daddy was a part time farmer.
He worked the field for pay.
But he'd rather have new shoes for them horses.
But late one day, them horse run away.
Shouldn't have put the shoes on that way.

Too bad for daddy.
Such a shame he took it all.
So me and mom took the high road.
But it's not like we had a choice at all.

Daddy was a guitar player.
He'd play that joint all night.
Out back in the shack the six-string was his demon.
Maybe one day I could run away, join my dad in a band to play.

Now it's just me and mom here.
We sit alone all night.
But if you listen close you can hear my daddy playing.
It was meant to be a stop for a day, left us here, now he's on his way.

Too bad for daddy.
Such a shame he took it all.
SO me and mom, we took the high road.
But it's not like we had a choice at all.

Just too bad for daddy.
It's such a shame he took it all.
So me and mom took the high road.
But it's not like we had a choice at all.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Jay Jay - Kau Pengisi Kekosongan Lyrics

Jay Jay - Kau Pengisi Kekosongan Lyrics

Tiada siapa yang memahami
Betapa kosongnya diri ku ini
Selalu gelisah dalam kekosongan
Ku sepi tanpa berteman

Terasa kecil dunia ku ini
Sewarna malam dengan siang hari
Cahaya harapan terserlah bersama tiba mu
Ke dalam hidup ku

Datang mu ke dalam hidup ku ini
Bagi ku anugerah Ilahi
Kau beri pada ku kekuatan
Di saat aku memerlukan

Dengan mu aku menjadi dewasa
Terhapus segala resah gelisah
Betapa tenangnya ku rasakan kini
Dikau pengisi kekosongan hati

Latino - Nao Adianta Chorar Lyrics

Latino - Nao Adianta Chorar Lyrics

Eu te levei a sério fiz tudo certo, mas você não se ligou
Mas eu quis um compromisso fui mais que um amigo
Quando mais tu precisou
Eu te falei que eu tinha medo, mergulhei de corpo inteiro
Nesse amor que foi em vão

Não adianta não, não adianta chorar, não adianta sofrer
Pois eu não volto atrás........Não
Não adianta chorar, não adianta querer pois não te quero mais
Eu não te quero mais
Eu que te amava tanto, fiz tantos planos
Fui enganado por um falso amor
Mas eu te dei o meu mundo, mas o meu orgulho
Eu prezo pra valer..

Eu te falei que rinha medo, mergulhei de corpo inteiro
Desse amor que foi em vão
Não adianta não, não adianta chorar, não adianta sofrer
Pois eu não volto atrás........Não
Não adianta chorar, não adianta querer pois não te quero mais

The Capitol Singles Collection Movie - I've Got You Under My Skin Lyrics

The Capitol Singles Collection Movie - I've Got You Under My Skin Lyrics

I've got you under my skin
I've got you deep in the heart of me
So deep in my heart, that you're really a part of me
I've got you under my skin

I've tried so not to give in
I've said to myself this affair never will go so well
But why should I try to resist, when baby will I know so well
That I've got you under my skin

I'd sacrifice anything come what might
For the sake of having you near
In spite of a warning voice that comes in the night
And repeats, repeats in my ear

Don't you know you fool, you never can win
Use your mentality, wake up to reality
But each time I do, just the thought of you
Makes me stop before I begin
'Cause I've got you under my skin

Ray J - Keep It Playa Lyrics

Ray J - Keep It Playa Lyrics

Mr. Lee on the track boy
You have one new voice message
To play your messages press 1(beep)
(man whose this callin me)
One new message friday 12:48 p.m.
Say homie i dont know who this is
But say man you need to get off my girl dawg
Or its goin to have to get ugly
whats goin on

(Verse 1-Slim Thug)
Aint no use to you cryin bout wat ya man do (do)
You say he be lyin well wat you gon do
Aint no use of you leavin
Every nigga you meetin is cheatin (uh huh)
Just sneak out off with me for the weekend (lets go)
Dont get mad get even wen you see him leavin [mmmm]
Thats wen you need to be creepin [oohhh]
While he on the road thinkin you home sleepin
Slide by the boss house so i can digg deep in (ill have you back baby)
You fenin for attention and i can give you plenty [oh yea]
Your secret safe with me baby lets go on begin it
A good love affair it aint a competion
I aint trying to be your man(uh uh) im just givin you wat you missin (chea)
And dont feel bad he put you up in this position
If yall was in love why aint no huggin and kissin
Wen you wanna get away ill take you for a ride
Wen that nigga act up ill be by your side [ill be by your side]

(Chorus-Killa Kyleon & [Ray-J])
See we got this lil thing that we do [do]
I just keep it between me and you [and you]
You can call me wen you wit it
Then ima come get it
Yea we be creepin but thats our lil secret yea
[I keep it playa no i aint trippin][I know you got
a man ima play my position][See i aint worried theres
no competition]Man listen we can keep it on the low aint nobody gotta know
[I keep it playa]
(Verse 2-Killa Kyleon [Ray-J])
Yea call me your secret lover(lover) yea i must ablidge (thank ya)
She on my speed dial i got her on my 5 (yea)
I pulled up on her(on her) and got her in my 5
She got inside and we ride like mary blidge (lets go)
I know she got a man i heard he was a teacher (fuck em)
She call me up and i come substitute for ya [come on]
Young swagga call papa or a rolling stone

I got a bad habit called breaking up happy homes (ain't that a bitch)
She my playa patna (patna) i dont filet patna (patna)
I occasionaly cut her wen you away patna [oh yea]
We keep it playa patna we got an understanding
She don't want much from me no she ain't that demanding [oh yea]
I call her wen im landin soon as i hit the town [thats right]
She leave wrok early thats wen its goin down
She said you treat her bad and ain't never round
Thats music to my ears i love the way it sounds

(Chorus-Killa Kyleon & [Ray-J])
See we got this lil thing that we do [do]
I just keep it between me and you [and you]
You can call me wen you wit it
Then ima come get it
Yea we be creepin but thats our lil secret yea
[I keep it playa no i aint trippin][I know you got
a man ima play my position][ima play my position][See
i aint worried theres no competition]Man listen we
can keep it on the low aint nobody gotta know
[I keep it playa]
(Verse 3-PJ [Ray-J])
Say,say check me out babigurl this wat we goin do
I know you know you need me and see i want you
See but thers a couple stipulations that we must follow
You see this ceraphin we gotta sip the whole bottle
[we gotta sip the whole bottle]
And after that lil mama anything goes
I love a women with class i cant stand hoes[oh yea]
I see you inhdependent own car, own house
Got your own thing workin you your own boss [oh yea]
Well lets floss show me how you groovin
This girl reminds me of Gabrielle Union
Straight movie star straight diva
I put this wood on her now i cant leave her
Im a playa though so you know how i get around
Probably heard my name floatin round through the town[ohhh]
Thats just the way it is i been this way for years
Now put your clothes on and miss me with your tears

(Chorus-Killa Kyleon & [Ray-J])
See we got this lil thing that we do [do]
I just keep it between me and you [and you][its between me and you baby]
You can call me wen you wit it
Then ima come get it
Yea we be creepin but thats our lil secret yea[our little secert]
[I keep it playa no i aint trippin][I know you got
a man ima play my position][See i aint worried theres
no competition]Man listen we can keep it on the low aint nobody gotta know
[I keep it playa, see i aint worried theres no competition
this can be our lil secret girl]

Monday, 22 April 2013

Ray J - Be My Girl Lyrics

Ray J - Be My Girl Lyrics

Yeah, first things first.
Theres a few things i wna hit you with.
Ima hit it from the front,
Ima hit it from the back,
Then show u where the buisness is.
And I hope you can take me serious,
When I say could u be my girl, said my girl..

You wna be my girl.
I think u wna be my girl,
And why u wna be my girl.
They say u wna be my girl.
First u gotto know...
Is you bout it,
First you gotto know.
Can You bring it out me,
First u gotto know.
To hang witcha boy,
Can u be my girl,
My girl...

HEY, first things first.
I gotta few things I can show u boy.
Thats my word,
No tears gna put it on ur boy.
Oh, and it feels so good i don't wna go home! Ohh..
HEY trust me shawty,
I know u talk.
If u want me,
First u gotto know,
To hang witcha girl,
You gotto be a hot boy,
my boy...

You wna be my girl.
I think u wna be my girl,

And why u wna be my girl.
They say u wna be my girl.
First I gotto know...
Is you bout it,
First I gotto know.
Can You bring it out me,
First I gotto know.
Can you hang witcha boy,
Can u be my girl,
My girl...

Check it out.
Last things first,
Im the phantom of the opera.
Sittin front row at the opera phantom outside sittin proper.
You married to a mossa,
Im the black chimney hother,
And i keep a rat pack,
Might send me im sinatra.
We burnin,
Burnin like a chimney,
Rollin in the car with Kimmy, Talkin on the phone to Whitney.
Im pimpin in the billy and call when they here me,
And I keep the white girls call them Linsey and Britney.

You wna be my girl.
I think u wna be my girl,
And why u wna be my girl.
They say u wna be my girl.
First I gotto know...
Is you bout it,
First I gotto know.
Can You bring it out me,
First I gotto know.
Can you hang witcha boy,
Can u be my girl,
My girl... x2

Danielle Reist - Hero Lyrics

Danielle Reist - Hero Lyrics

When I was 5 or younger, I looked up to you
Like and older sister or brother! I always loved you.
You taught me right was good, you taught me like I was
Your pier, Ohh— Your my HERO!!!

You saved me when I was bord
When it rained and I was in doors
You lead me to a better life...

You always showed me were to go
When I was lost and all alone
And now I just want you to know
You're my Her-o...

I've grown up so much since then
Just turned 13 on June 2nd
I still miss the times you showed
You were always there for me Ohh—
You're me HERO!!!

You saved me when I was bord
When it rained and I was in doors
You lead me to a better life...

You always showed me were to go
When I was lost and all alone
And now I just want you to know
You're my her-o!

You're my hero...

Thank you, Brother...

Friday, 19 April 2013

Shareefa - Can't Stop Loving You Lyrics

Shareefa - Can't Stop Loving You Lyrics

The funny thing about us, is,
I never thought that we were suppose to be here...
I, never been the type to look back but I see your
old pictures, startin' reminiscing
Remember when we were badder, we were so happy together...
You were suppose to be the bigger man for we, when did it all fall apart...
See I can't put that all on you,
I just had to have my way, never wanna change...
I'll admit that I'm a women,
I can get emotional, say things that are irrational.
No, when I didn't really mean it, it might just be too late now...
When it's early in the morning... I'm all alone then...
I find myself thinking of you.

I know, you been good for awhile, but you still on my mind...
Cause' I can't stop lovin ya'... I'm sitting here going through it now
But I'm just trying to figure it out why, why I can't stop lovin' ya.
I'm sick of going through the emotions, acting like I don't want cha
Cause' I can't stop loving you .
Can't stop, won't stop, don't stop, no I can't stop loving you.

I know I should've thought about it
When I let you walk out the front door,
(should've thought about it, thought about it)
I know my pride was talking too loud...
Sayin' you could roll out
Shorty you should know this is how I met you...
I hope you know that my actions don't say I don't love you
It ain't the same, let's work it out, mend the pain, I'm broken down
Oh girl I really miss ya, all we really need a rehabilitation
No other women could replace you...
Remember to bring it back,
I think I worked out all my issues, it's the new me
And id love to introduce you .
Late at night when I'm home a lone, I remember what I had is gone
And I miss you, girl

I know, you been good for awhile, but you still on my mind...
Cause I can't stop loving you... I'm sitting here going through it now
But I'm just trying to figure it out why, why I can't stop lovin ya.
I'm sick of going through the emotions, acting like I don't want cha
Cause' I can't stop loving you .
Can't stop, won't stop, don't stop, no I can't stop loving you.

I know, you been good for awhile, but you still on my mind...
Cause I can't stop loving you... I'm sitting here going through it now
But I'm just trying to figure it out why, why I can't stop lovin ya.
I'm sick of going through the emotions, acting like I don't want cha
Cause' I can't stop loving you .
Can't stop, won't stop, don't stop, no I can't stop loving you.