Thursday, 25 July 2013

Lamb Lies Down On Broadway ,The Movie - Fly On A Windshield Lyrics

Lamb Lies Down On Broadway ,The Movie - Fly On A Windshield Lyrics

Theres something solid forming in the air,
The wall of death is lowered in Times Square.
No one seems to care,
They carry on as if nothing was there.
The wind is blowing harder now,
Blowing dust into my eyes.
The dust settles on my skin,
Making a crust I cannot move in
And Im hovering like a fly,
Waiting for the windshield on the freeway.

EDL - Residence Lyrics

EDL - Residence Lyrics

The place where you were born is now the place that you
And what you call a home others call a living hell
Just because of where you live they say you're an
Object middle class down town mansion or in a project
No matter what the cities' done has it really run
The town where my grandma grew up is where she'll
We all have to put the roots down somewhere
The people that move around from year to year just
Don't care
Your kids need to know that the house is a home sweet
Home to break it down the thought is detrimental to the
Dome in the brain stem where the thoughts cause the
But home is where you hang your hat - a.k.a. your

Residence- the place in which you dwell from a living
Hell is a residence!

The place where you grew up is just around the corner
From the park
Just too bad now that they can't go out after dark
Because the kids are shooting up the town every single
Day a gallery of moving targets when you send your kids
To play and that is sad to me in fact I give it mass
The place where you grew up as a kid is not the same
The parents job is to give the kids the precedence
Leave this town you need a new residence

Residence-the place in which you dwell from a living
Hell a residence.

Roots are your home don't deny
New ideas are worth a try
In regards what's wrong or right
Man can do this flee or fight pride is OK
But understand no true person is superman your domain
Is future tense
Your environment your residence

Residence-the place in which you dwell from a living
Hell a residence

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Alex Vissering - In T Abnederlands Lyrics

Alex Vissering - In T Abnederlands Lyrics

in t abnederlands by Alex Vissering
Zai vroegen mij laatst van hogerhand om Nederlands te zingen
Dat valt niet mee voor n Groninger wij zeggen vaak andere dingen
Vooral de T van telefoon dat vinden wij heel erg stoer
Ze zeggen ook aal in Hilversum wat is dat n stomme boer

De maatschappij waar ik bij ben die vinden mijn stem te gek
Ze willen mij graag lanceren met n lied van Freddy Breck
Ik zei dat zie ik best wel zitten, laten we dat maar doen
Ze hebben t ook aal over n leren broek en n clip van een miljoen

Ik zing dit lied in t AB Nederlands voor u allemaal
In t Gronings nee dat doe k niet meer dat is n stomme taal
Ik maak carrière in het westen en ik ga naar elke quiz
Drie kussen een valse lach als er een feessie is

Mijn naam die is niet goed genoeg voor t Nederlands produkt
Daarom verzinnen ze n ander maar dat is nog niet gelukt
k Had zelf al n leuke naam bedacht, ik had n goed idee
Zoiets wat bij de vrouwtjes bekt als Marco of Renee

Toen stond ik daar ineens met n camera voor mijn neus
Mien God wat was ik bange ik was ja zo nerveus
Mijn lippen bewogen onder mijn snor ik zweette op mijn rug
t Is nooit op televisie komen en ik ben hier weer terug

Nu woon ik op het platteland al in n boerderij
Met beide benen op de grond het drama is veurbij
Toch belde gister n producent hij wou eem met mij praten
Ik ze meneer bekijk het maar smoor maar in joen platen

Ik zing dit laid in t Grunnegers veur joe allemoal
Ze kinnen veur mie de pot op mit de Nederlandse toal
Ik zing dit laid in Troapel in Delfziel en Hoogezaand
Veendam en Olle Pekel en in de Golden Raand

Baba Novac - Jazzmaica Lyrics

Baba Novac - Jazzmaica Lyrics

Acum vreo 2 sezoane estivale,
Tocmai cind ma pregateam sa plec la mare,
In ziare, am citit grabit
Despre prima echipa de bob pe ghiata din Jamaica
Si-n ris am izbucnit,
Apoi am stat si m-am gindit ca e fantastic sa-ti doresti
Sa ai ceva ce nu exista decit in povesti
Si-n Jamaica unde reggae-ul e rege
Orice fantezie ai devine lege
Si daca poate exista aici bob pe gheata
Inseamna ca orice dorinta poate prinde viata
Asa ca repeta dupa mine:

Follow me, follow me, foollow me man,
Say 'I wanna be a Jamaican'.

Si-am ajuns si eu la mare sa-mi bronzez parul de pe picioare
Si-atunci m-am intins si-am atipit si-am adormit si m-am trezit,
Parca tot visam, parca ma plimbam pe plaja de obsidian.
Soarele ardea si-mi placea, dar sigur era vis caci plaja prea curata era
Si nici un muc de tigara nu mi se-nfigea intre degetele de la picioare
Si cum stateam si-asteptam ziua de ieri
Dintre doi palmieri cocotieri a iesit un barbat bronzat, tatuat,
Cu fata de café-au-lait si parul lung imbirli-birligat
Parca era Bob Marley, numai ca el calarea un Harley
Si privindu-ma cu ochii plini de fumuri
S-a apropiat de mine si mï-a spus:

" No woman, no cry ".

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Cam Meekins - Better Days Lyrics

Cam Meekins - Better Days Lyrics

I just want you to know
That I'm stuck in your soul
Funny how last week I thought it couldn't be so
What I see in your eyes
Words can't come close
No matter what your father says
I just want you to know
That you're a beautiful person
And I want you to grow
The way he talks to you is just so inapro
I hope that you're strong
When he's doing you wrong
And I hope you find comfort in the words of these songs
Now sing along and while I tell you this story just listen closely
I know you like my music but look, you don't really know me
See I live outside the city where there's nothing going on
I just look around for meaning while I'm sitting on my lawn
One day I met this girl and she was beautiful too
I looked closely at her eyes this nice light shade of blue
She was still in high school
I was one year removed
We're both a little older for the things we've been through
Pretty soon I started seeing all the things he would do
She wasn't black and blue, but emotionally bruised
It made me so mad I didn't know what to do
Told her no matter what
Imma be there for you
But as things became more hectic in my life I started fading out
Began to lie to her
I wasn't fair to her
I hate it
Now I hope that you can understand my honesty
I really fucking wanna knock that dude out honestly
You don't have to believe it but I think about you every day
I sing about you every way
Cuz you're the perfect melody
I know the world ain't perfect
But to me you are my everything
My little light of sunshine
I'm holding on for better days

I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days
I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days

I wanna go back when we were sitting at that ice cream shop
I'm looking at you in your eyes
I'm feeling like my heart has stopped
You laughed at me for getting soy peanut butter
Back then I thought shit nah, I don't need no other person in my life
For nothing else don't even matter
Maybe I'm so numb that nothing bad could ever happen to me
Maybe I'm so evil I attract all of these tragedies
Maybe we're so graceful we create all of these masterpieces
So facetious we would laugh about it
Nobody can reach us for a half an hour
Sleeping in my half apartment
We don't have to watch the news
I never felt more comfortable my face so close to you
And Imma break it down for you
I think about you every day
I sing about you every way
Cuz you're the perfect melody
I know the world ain't perfect
But to me you are my everything
My little light of sunshine
I'm holding on for better days

I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days
I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days

What does it mean if I don't know what love feels like?
My parents got divorced when I was young so I just feel like
Exampled that I have to look upon are probably not great
Knowing you're in a similar position doesn't make it okay
I'm feeling like my goal is to make these blue skies turn grey
But in the blink of an eye it could go away
So even if it's just for ten minutes
I wanna drive around with you
And think about our life in the present
These are our better days

I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days
I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days
I pray for better days
I know it has to happen, Imma wait
I know in my life I made mistakes
But I'm holding on for better days

The other day I was thinking like
How come you never make a happy song, you know what I'm saying?

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Big Sean - Beware Lyrics

Big Sean - Beware Lyrics

(feat. Jhené Aiko and Lil Wayne)

[Big Sean & Jhene Aiko:]
When you said it was over
You shot right throhgh my heart
When you let these hoes tear what we had right apart
Oooh, I'm so mad
I could 've see this coming right from the start
You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart

[Big Sean:]
Praying to a sky all black
Looking at the stars like they finna talk back
Looking at my phone like she finna call back
But last night I feel like probably ended all that
Cause by now she woulda sent a text in all caps
Then another one tryna take all back
Saying f-ck you, I misss you or I hate you so much
Cause girls only say "hate you" to the guyz they love
I know, I know, I know
The highs, the lows it comes and goes
You say "be real" I try, I don't
Cause you take anything and just make it everything
Kept my phone on silence ever since you got a ring (funny right?)
And I never cheated (I mean, maybe once, twice)
One time don't change everything
She ask why I don't feel the same, I'm still the same
She's still insane and know she's saying

[Big Sean & Jhene Aiko:]
When you said it was over
You shot right throhgh my heart
When you let these hoes tear what we had right apart
Oooh, I'm so mad
I could 've see this coming right from the start
You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart

[Big Sean:]
Okay, skeet, smoke
Sleep, cal, text
Woke, spoke,
Lie, feel, Lisa ew
Time, kill, months, still

I got somebody baby mama calling me daddy
I drank too much, please call be cabby
Penthouse after party hoes want that addy
F-ck they can ride with us, crawl in a Caddy
Third row is when you call, I hit cancel
Really, I hit answer, f-ck I hate when that happens
Phone in my pocket for the whole night
And you heard bitches screamin' til my phone dies
Then she text me like "why you still talk to my mama?"
How the f-ck you run around with condoms?
Why you make me get this tattoo?
Man, f-ck this tattoo you the reason
I wasn't single in college
What? all beacause I had you
Nigga I don't even have you
How she called the next guy spillin' some real shit
Now they problems he got to deal with

[Big Sean & Jhene Aiko:]
When you said it was over
You shot right throhgh my heart
When you let these hoes tear what we had right apart
Oooh, I'm so mad
I could 've see this coming right from the start
You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart

[Lil Wayne:]
Girl, don't believe them hoes
Cause they don't wanna see us together
And you already know you're too fly
But baby, don't get your hair caught in the propellers
I be tryna tell her these hoes is jealous
You know they never like it when you never say never
long hair, red bone, but her pussy is hairless
Muah, I french kiss it like we in Paris
I be screaming out, "I ain't no woman like the one I got"
But she be always worrying about the one I f-cked
She said it's gonna be me, myself and I
Damn, that would make me a one-eted f-ck
Sch, I was so mad
Damn, you used to ride a nigga like a moped
But players f-ck up, my bad
And just to kkep from crying, I laughed

[Big Sean & Jhene Aiko:]
When you said it was over
You shot right throhgh my heart
When you let these hoes tear what we had right apart
Oooh, I'm so mad
I could 've see this coming right from the start
You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart

[Jhene Aiko:]
Baby, Last tome calling me baby
lat time calling me crazy
Crazy, crazy 2x

Serdar Ortac - Sana Uzandim Lyrics

Serdar Ortac - Sana Uzandim Lyrics

Bu sabah sensiz açtim ellerimi
Kara bir bulutun orda sen vardin
Uyan uykudan uyanda gel yanima
Getir Allahim...

Soramam seni hazan gülüm nerede
Yaradan onu ayirdi cennetine
Seni beklerdim gurbet elde bile
Neden Allahim...

Sana uzandim yine varamadim
Veren Allah aldida doyamadim
Seni gögsüme saripta uyamadim
Neden Allahim...

Birini aldin beni ne biraktin
Bu can onsuz yasar mi sandin
Yagmur oldum kapina dayandim
Götür Allahim...